Reception Opening Hours.
The Reception Office will be open from 07:30 hrs to sunset Monday to Saturday, with Sunday opening hours from 09:00hrs to sunset.
Golf Course Opening Hours.
Access to the golf course will be permitted after 06:30 hrs during the summer months (April – September) and half an hour AFTER sunrise, during the winter months, this to allow the green keeping staff, time to carry out their duties and get ahead of your play.
All members may request a specific tee time, but there is no guarantee that the time will be available. All members must book their chosen tee time with the Reception Office in the first instance. If playing with a non member, payment in full will be required at the time of booking.
Advance bookings
Members may reserve a tee time at the Reception Office up to 7 days in advance. Society or corporate bookings may be booked in advance, but a 50% deposit will be required at the time of booking.
Green Fee Payments
All green fee payments MUST be made before the start of your round. No credit will be given.
Advanced green fee payments may be made by telephone, in such cases your receipt must be collected from Reception, prior to commencing your round.
Members who need to cancel must inform the Reception as soon as practical, failure to do so will result in any future bookings not being taken. If playing with a non member, cancellations made within 24 hrs notice will be given a 100% refunded. Cancellations made on the day will only be refunded if the slot is re-sold.
Society and other Tournaments
Members must accept that Society or other golfing events agreed with the Manager will have priority over bookings required by an individual member.
Golf Societies
All Golf Societies are requested to provide an updated list of their players’ memberships, this to include their I.D number, prior to their booking. A 50% deposit will also be required at the time of booking. This is to secure your tee times.
These bookings must be confirmed and paid in FULL 8 days prior to the booked date, clearly stating the number of golfers playing, the tee times required, and any other requirements e.g. buggy hire.
No Show Bookings:
Please inform the Reception as soon as practical.
If a member regularly fails to turn up for the tee time booked, this will result in any future bookings not being accepted.
If a guest does not turn up for the tee-time booked and has not cancelled 24 hours before, they will not be entitled to any refund or credit.
Cancellations may only be made with the Reception Office in person or by telephone.
Late Arrivals: Golfers must allow ample time to pay green fees, and arrive at the 1st tee AT LEAST 5 minutes prior to their reserved tee time.
Four Ball Slots:
All golf bookings are sold as 4 balls. The management reserves the right to fill each 4 ball slot.