It has been nearly three weeks since Storm Ciaran hit Jersey and a tornado hitting this sports centre. Chris and his team continue to work tirelessly in clearing the golf course of debris, fallen trees, and restoring the golf course to a playable condition. At times it feels like one step forward, followed by two steps back!! Their efforts have been hampered by the continuing strong winds, heavy rain with the course now at ‘field capacity’ (Field capacity is the amount of water content held in the soil after excess water has drained away and the rate of downward movement has decreased. In short, the ground cannot take any further water!!.) and the unavailability of professional groundman and trees surgeons to undertake necessary safety work on the course.
The safety of our users is paramount and to that end the golf course will not be opened until it is safe to do so. There is speculation that the golf course will open for play on the 27th November: I can safely state today that it will not! At this moment in time, I cannot give any potential dates; it may even be in early 2024! Regardless of the damage caused, the golf course would have been closed due to the severe wet conditions and flooding.
The very wet soft ground conditions have also revealed that several trees need to be assessed, as they have obviously moved, additionally there are broken branches stuck at height that need to be taken down, further damage repaired and paths reinstated, to allow safe migration around the course.
I have been asked if there is anything that you, the green fee members, can do to assist the greenkeeping staff. At this moment, having spoken with Chris, there is nothing imminent, however, closer to the golf course opening, I will be requesting volunteers to help with divoting and infilling holes etc.
Academy course:
The deconstruction of the Padel courts is going well and work is expected to be completed in the next 7 – 10 days. Only once this deconstruction is complete, will we have a better idea as to the repairs required to the fencing on academy course. The academy course will remain closed until spring of 2024, as all efforts are being made to clear and open the main golf course, and access to the east side of the padel courts is required and this can only be gained from St Clements Inner Road, through an existing opening near the driving nets.
Air Eze:
If you have visited the sports centre main club house over the past weeks, you may have noticed an area being clearing near the flagpole. This is to allow for the installation of a compressed air operated cleaning station, to clean both your golf shoes and trolley wheels. Please visit
Please be patient, I do understand your frustration, but as I have said previously, the course will be open when it is safe to do so.
Thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards